While there, Chris meets Ginnie, who is quite surprised to see "Jack" at a nightclub. Chris, now able to use his father's ID to drink, takes Trigger out for an evening at a nightclub. Jack becomes depressed and spends the evening at home. Their suspicions are confirmed when they see the cat and dog both acting like each other. When he hears that Chris got a C, he turns around to reprimand him about it and their minds switch.
As Jack prepares himself a Bloody Mary, he grabs the Tabasco bottle containing Trigger's potion and puts a few drops in his drink. Jack returns home that night and almost immediately asks Chris about his biology presentation. The two are astounded, and careless when they leave the bottle behind and the Hammond's maid finds it and puts it in the cupboard next to the real bottle of Tabasco. They test it out on Chris' dog and cat and it's successful. Chris thinks Trigger is making the story up, however Trigger shows up at Chris' house with a small amount of the potion in a Tabasco bottle. Trigger tells Chris he overheard Earl telling his parents about the potion. Chris' friend, Lawrence, AKA "Trigger", tells Chris about his visiting uncle, Earl - the same man from the opening scene who had his mind switched. He receives a C grade which he knows will disappoint his dad. When Chris gives an oral presentation to his biology class, it's a near-disaster with Chris trying to speak in medicalese and failing. Jack expects that Chris will follow him into surgery but Chris isn't very interested. At a staff meeting, Dr Larkin brings up the issue of uninsured patients, but finds she can't count on Jack or any of the other staff to support her. Jack also remains stern when one of his colleagues, Dr Amy Larkin, pleads with him to accept an ER patient with chest pains who doesn't have any medical insurance. He is the leading candidate for the search but also has to fend off the advances of his boss' wife, Ginnie, who flirts constantly with Jack. Chris' father is Jack Hammond, a brilliant and successful surgeon who is vying for a chief of staff position at his hospital. Laurie barely pays any attention to Chris to being with, but suddenly accepts a date proposal when Chris tells her he has tickets to a rock concert that weekend. Laurie's hulking boyfriend, Rick, is a belligerent and bullying guy who also runs relay for the track team but constantly comes down on Chris, especially when their coach gives Chris the anchor spot at their next meet. Chris Hammond is a high school student who runs relay for his track team and has aspirations to date a beautiful student, Laurie. He leaves with some of the potion they gave him once their minds have been switched back. One of them tends to the injured man's leg and the man feels nothing due to the mind transference. Suddenly, both men realize their minds have been swapped. They have him drink a clear liquid and stare into the eyes of one of the men. He comes to the home of a Native American family who take him in.
The synopsis below may give away important plot points.